A downloadable map

Let off some steam

Thaw is a blockout for a 4v4 multiplayer Halo Infinite map, made in Forge for Level Design Jam 4 hosted by Steve Lee. 

The theme for the jam was Contrast.

Important: This page is just a submission entry. To find and play the map itself, you'll have to search Thaw (WIP) in the keywords field in Halo Infinite's map browser.

The map is set in a hot springs complex on the shores of a frozen lake. It has a pseudo-symmetrical layout, with open natural areas offset by closed artificial spaces.

On top of the clash between hot and cold, the map has been designed with a contrast in shape design in mind. Some spaces, like the central lobby, are defined by harsh, boxy columns and strict architecture.  Others, like an open-air pool area, are built from organic shapes and natural features.

The original idea was to accommodate a Capture The Flag game mode but at this stage it probably works better as an Oddball map. Oops!

Probably won't take this further, but I had a lot of fun making it!

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